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Dominican 2024: Prado Finish Off Ecuador For Spain With A Hat Trick in 5-0 Win.

…Await The Winner of Japan Versus England Match For The Semis Former world U17 Champions, Spain on Sunday night at the Estadio Felix Sanchez drubbed Ecuador 5-0 in the...

Dominican 2024: Debutante hosts, Dominican Republic U17 Girls Beaten By Ecuador 2-0.

…South Korea draws 1-1 with Columbia in Group B. Debutante hosts, Dominican Republic U17 girls were early Thursday morning pushed to the exit door in a group A game...

U 20:Ecuador thrashes Fiji Island 9-0

…Erases Brazil 6-0 over Dominic Republic record. ….Brazil plays Nigeria tomorrow at 1900 hours in a Group D decider. South America’s side, Ecuador on Friday at...

Ecuadorbows to Italy

    Ecuador lost perhaps the most drab match of the world U17 male championship in Brazil by a lone goal in a match they frittered away several chances and...