‘Mr. Goody, Goody,’ Felix Duke has declared that he is not running away from music contrary to the belief of a section of his fans.
He said this in an interview following the apprehension of some of his fans who watched his signs and wonders packed ministration on Facebook held in Belgium recently.
“I am not shifting from music. Music is part of me. I am music and music is me, he declared.
He went on to say that what people saw of him in Belgium is, “This vineyard you are talking about is a calling and if you check the ones before me, they have passed this route before. And you do not go into it without a calling. You only go on the route when you have a calling. I was told far back in 1992 that I was going to do the work of God. I never took it seriously and if you know how God works, you can never ignore his call. If you are in doubt go read about Jonah. And it has been hanging.
People around me will tell you how God has been using me underground to do his work. So many years ago, God used me to deliver Queen of The Coast. She was screaming ‘oh, you have power, you have power’ and she later confessed that she was ruling seven kingdoms. I did not make noise about it but a lot of people who are closed to me knew what happened. And to me whenever I want to write song they turn out to be gospel songs even though, it was supposed to be contemporary songs.
I had love songs in my mind, but they turn out to be gospel songs. That is how they were released. ‘Wa ra le’ was a success, ‘baba, baba’ was a success. So, I was not surprised because I had the feeling and when the time came, God started putting a stud in all that I was doing. I recalled not too long ago when I opened a club, a night club, around this New Okoba here in Lagos and my wife called me and said, look, ‘you that had the calling of God went around and opened a club, so when will you answer the calling of God?’ That was when the turn around came. Everything I Put my hand kept going down, even the supermarket I opened went down because of the club.
A lot of things started happening to me negatively. My son went for eye surgery. A lot of things, I mean negative things. And I said ‘father, I surrender.’ I had to let many things that is not of God in my life go. And ever since, God has been wonderful to me. He has been supplying my needs in the right quantity. When I speak a word, my word does not come back to me without accomplishing what I said because I no longer live by myself. What I do, I no longer do by myself. So since I decided to heed the call, God has been revealing Himself to me. He has given me the power to bind and loose because that ministry of deliverance is by God. A lot of pastors have gone deaf and dumb because they are not called. But if He calls you, He fortifies you, protects you, your children, your wife. In fact, all that belongs to you. I have no power of my own. I depend on Him, on His name; a name that is above any other name. That is the name I call and depend on. A lot of pastors have stroke because they dabble into the area they are not called. The name of Jesus is a healer. You can heal in any area you are called.
“Well, it is been a struggle, that is why most people who know me way back are like ‘ha! Felix Duke! Because I was in the world, when I say I was in the world, I was in the world. But I am in God now and to the Glory of God, truth must come out of me. I am not going to tell you that all my youth, I was holy. I wasn’t. Youthful exuberance was there, though, I was a church man. Even way back when my songs were top of the chart, I wasn’t drinking or smoking. You know that about me as a journalist but that doesn’t make me holy but when I get on stage, I was very active; very active on stage. What I was doing then back in the days was womanizing. Yes, womanizing and it was very bad. But for many years I have stopped all that. I don’t have a girlfriend; my wife does not live in Nigeria. We have not seen for the last two years; not that I cannot go but I am too busy here in Nigeria. Though, she will come this year.
And I will also go this year. The Bible says that any soul that sin must die. Should we continue in sin so that grace may abound? God forbid! So in as much as our Lord Jesus Christ has paid the prize for our sins, I don’t want to take it for granted. Some have lost their voice; I am not condemning anybody but I pray I do not derail from my calling. You must walk in the fear of God and you must follow instruction because if you do not follow instruction, you are on your own.”
Watch out for the full interview in Church Times, a strictly Christian religion newspaper.